About Good

Health and Well Being


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) health is defined as, a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. There are many different types of illnesses and diseases which can affect a person in the short term (such as the flu) or long term (such as cystic fibrosis or HIV). In wealthy countries, most people can access medicines that they need in order to manage, cure or prevent any illnesses.

However, this is not possible for many communities in developing countries. This can lead to long term physical consequences, impact mental health or lead to death. It can also drive families into poverty if a member of the family cannot work.


Wellbeing is a state of being comfortable, healthy or happy. It comes from a combination of factors such as physical health, emotions, feeling secure or safe and leading a life where a person can feel satisfied. Wellbeing is important for people everywhere as a lack of wellbeing can lead to physical and mental illness. Poverty, hunger, gender inequality and disaster can have a negative impact on well-being which, if not addressed, may cause long term problems for a person.

Good health and wellbeing is vital for all people, no matter where they live. In many areas, particularly in rural India, this is not always the case. Peoples’ Foundation collaborates with several health related organizations, hospitals, health centres to ensure that all people, at every stage of life, can live healthy lives.

Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being at all ages is essential to sustainable development. Many more efforts are needed to fully eradicate a wide range of diseases and address many different persistent and emerging health issues. By focusing on providing more efficient funding of health systems, improved sanitation and hygiene, increased access to physicians and more tips on ways to reduce ambient pollution, significant progress can be made in helping to save the lives of millions.

The only way to make this happen is to take action!

Each one of us can make small changes in our lives, but together we can change the world.